
Showing posts from July, 2018


CoTrader Hello Friend.., I will dedicate today’s brief overview to CoTrader project. What is CoTrader project about….. CoTrader enables the best investors to manage your funds. Unlike competing platforms, CoTrader offers cryptographically proven ROIs, privacy, and full control over your assets. What is exactly special for CoTrader… There is no other platform that has your privacy and security at heart. In technical terms: CoTrader’s patent-pending technology involves a custom zk-SNARKs protocol that extends privacy-preserving co-trading to cross-blockchain decentralized exchange mechanisms. Because of CoTrader’s powerful network effects, loyalty rewards, real working demonstrated MVP, and first-mover-advantage with the solution to a widespread problem, it’s positioned to be a dominant protocol and novel ledger technology upon which all decentralized trading dApps could offer private trading and cotrading. With CoTrader, when top-traders win, we all win


MОNVID - The New Generation Of Decentralized Streaming Platform This time I will discuss about ICO or project MONVID, thanks for taking time to read this article. Crурtосurrеnсу iѕ оn thе rоаd tо revolutionizing this wоrld аnd dоing wоndеrѕ еvеrу dау. Thе tесhnоlоgу аѕѕосiаtеd with it ‘Blockchain’ hаѕ bееn аррrесiаtеd all over the world. Blосkсhаin аnd Crурtосurrеnсу hаvе taken the wоrld with a ѕtоrm, it all ѕtаrtеd bасk in 2009 when аn anonymous guу nаmеd аѕ ‘Sаtоѕhi Nаkаmоtо’ developed firѕt сrурtосurrеnсу nаmеd аѕ ‘Bitсоin’. It wаѕ developed with thе basic аim to dо transactions frоm one ассоunt to аnоthеr ассоunt withоut thе hindrаnсе оf thе third person. Lаtеr оn, blосkсhаin wаѕ associated with it аnd thiѕ tесhnоlоgу hаѕ revolutionized thе world. Ventures аrе соming uр from diffеrеnt countries tо utilize thiѕ tесhnоlоgу for a bеttеr рurроѕе; frоm buуing grocery to cars, еvеrуthing can be dоnе through сrурtосurrеnсу аnd blockchain. But hаvе you imagined wаtсhing а

MeFy Is The Future Of Health

Mefy is a decentralized stage that deals with a membership based model, where the client of MeMe Care buys in for yearly membership permitting them any number of tests during the time for the cost of just consumables. Through its eConsult include it associates overall specialists to overall patients in this way settling availability issues and with its MeMe Edge gadget, it gives legitimacy to the test directed. Mefy answer for the universe of social insurance. MeFy confides in solitary prosperity or society's prosperity can't be improved by particular undertakings neither would it have the capacity to be upgraded just by having best therapeutic administrations workplaces. It requires an effort from the aggregate society. MeFy and its stage MeMe Care does not simply center around pharmaceutical but rather accepts to enhance singular wellbeing. Consequently singular way of life, eating routine and society has a major part to play for general change of wellbeing and medicina

Rubius – Blockchain Software Company

Rubius What is it RUBIUS? Rubius  is a block-chained software venture dedicated to Aryl development, an easy-to-use iOS  Ethereum wallet and payment platform . Aril allows users to send, receive, or request payments in the currency of their choice. Aryl's primary goal is to make cryptocurrency and blockchain technology easier to access and user friendly. Like any new technology, it will take cryptocurrency and block until it matches with the public. They want to make the process easier with Aryl, open source, iOS Ethereum wallet and payment applications. This makes it easy to obtain cryptocurrency and security of unstable market stability uses its own SWITCH function. To help you achieve your goals, this app shows an intuitive layout. Aril features a distributed eternity wallet that supports thousands of crypto-cords. 2. Users also have access to a centralized password called Rubiex. By joining Rubiex, you can buy, sell, and exchange cryptocurrency options directly fr