MeFy Is The Future Of Health


Mefy is a decentralized stage that deals with a membership based model, where the client of MeMe Care buys in for yearly membership permitting them any number of tests during the time for the cost of just consumables. Through its eConsult include it associates overall specialists to overall patients in this way settling availability issues and with its MeMe Edge gadget, it gives legitimacy to the test directed. Mefy answer for the universe of social insurance. MeFy confides in solitary prosperity or society's prosperity can't be improved by particular undertakings neither would it have the capacity to be upgraded just by having best therapeutic administrations workplaces. It requires an effort from the aggregate society. MeFy and its stage MeMe Care does not simply center around pharmaceutical but rather accepts to enhance singular wellbeing. Consequently singular way of life, eating routine and society has a major part to play for general change of wellbeing and medicinal services. 
Blockchain, which changes more and more areas of life, now comes to health care. Let's take a closer look at the prospects for the use of block chains in health care in this article.
The fact that the circuit-blocks between breakthrough technologies will inevitably change the health care market, some of them are trying to argue with it. Another thing is that for now the question remains: where the use of the detasment health sector will be more profitable, and the technology itself will be used more widely? Today it is clear that there are several major areas of application technology, which developed the MeFy project.
MeFy aims to accelerate the much-needed restructuring of health systems based on a value approach, using intelligent and revolutionary contracts for blockchin technology. MeFy aims to overcome barriers to innovation and access to patients, reduce costs for all stakeholders and limit the scope of infrastructure to enhance values, foster innovation and accelerate the transition to individual health.
Highlights of Mefy in the realm of wellbeing .
  1. Image Edge. Picture Edge enables patients to test differing prosperity parameter an indistinguishable number of times from the patients' needs in perspective of a yearly enrollment and paying for the consumables
  2. Image Care App Image Care Individual adaptable application, offers access to MeFy stage to individuals or patients
  3. Image Doctor Web App and Mobile App Image Doctor Web and Mobile application empowers authorities to broaden their preparation past geographical cutoff points. It empowers masters to manage different offices, his middle courses of action and MeMe eConsult™ plans, make MeMe ePrescription™ for patients and get portion from patients in fiat money or MEFY tokens.
  4. Image BOT It discovers individuals' prosperity and lifestyle data in an instinctive way, helps customers on various perspectives to recall their prosperity like courses of action, eat less, development, pharmaceutical and timetable game plans for prosperity test
  5. Image Pharmacy MeMe Pharmacy will give a work area and versatile application for retail drug stores
  6. Image Hospital Image Pharmacy will give a work territory and web application for specialist's offices. It will have following submodules under it and would licenses on a for each customer start. • Out Patient Department Management • In Patient Department Management • Third Party Management • Operation Theater Management • Pharmacy Management • Inventory Management
  7. Image Insurance Image would unite with protection offices and go about as an aggregator to enable patients/individuals to purchase restorative scope by paying in MEFY token or fiat cash at a set apart down rate in light of their prosperity score and rewards earned on the stage.
  8. Image API' All outcast including anyway not compelled to pharmaceutical associations, Insurance associations, centers, investigate associations can get to the MeFy stage to pick up permission to de-perceived data or search for approval for solitary data in light of portion to particular/patients.
  9. Image EDGE - Upgrade It is our endeavor to give complete diagnostics office to our endorsers and we intend to expand our present prosperity parameter test to no less than 50+, covering 70% to 80% of the standard tests required by patients.

 ICO  Detail
 Buy a token here Do not miss your chance!  
 PUBLIC SALE INFORMATIONMeFy will generate a total of 200,000,000 MEFY tokens, of which 25% will be reserved and 75% will be available for the public sale.Token Metrics Summary 
  • Total Tokens: 200,000,000 MEFY
  • Soft Cap: $10 Million USD
  • Hard Cap: $35 Million USD
  • Available for Token Sale: 175,600,000 MEFY
  • Presale Allocation: 50,000,000 MEFY (1 MEFY = 0.20 USD). The presale includes 15% bonus.
  • Crowd sale [ Dates to be announced during Presale ]
  • Allocation: 118,100,000 MEFY (1 MEFY = 0.30 USD with no bonus)
  • The crowd sale round does not have any bonuses.
 Presale RequirementsWhitelist [Starting 8th June]Presale - to be announcedMin/Max Contribution: 20-300 ETHMin/Max Contribution: 2-50 BTCMin/Max Contribution: 30,000-500,000 XMVCrowd sale RequirementsMin/Max Contribution: 0.5-5 ETH  
For more info on this project, please visit the link below:
author:  yUzhin@Cy


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